z hufcowej poczty

Może zechcecie korespondować? 🙂

Dzień dobry. My name is Dmitry Liwinsky and I live in the distant Siberian city, which is called Omsk. Since childhood, I love nature, hiking, camping, spending the night in the forest. Books of Ernest Setton Thompson became my life guide. My ancestors lived in Poland, so I was always interested in the Polish culture. When I was at university I have read about the harcers. So I learned about Andrzej Małkowski – the man who organized the scout movement in Poland. I started to read a lot of harcers. I was filled with the idea of harcers movement. I read books about scouting and watching movies. Unfortunately, when I learned of the scouts that are in our city, I became an adult. But the love for nature, for harcerstwo is not extinguished in my heart. I admire your movement. You truly love nature and their country. You are right to raise their children. This is very important in today’s world. I admire you. I’d love to learn more about you. I would like to apologize for my request. I would be happy to have a souvenirs from the harcers. In any case, thank you very much for what you are doing. With deep respect and admiration, Dmitry Liwinsky.

My adress:
Dmitriy Liwinskiy
75 Gwardeiskoy Brigady, 5-9
Omsk, Russia

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